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Estonia's Soomaa National Park: A Fifth Season

submitted on 9 August 2023 by

Introduction to Soomaa National Park

Deep in the heart of Estonia lies a national park that puts all other national parks to shame - not because it has the world's tallest mountain or the most dangerous predator, but because it has something much more elusive and fascinating: a fifth season. And no, I'm not talking about a new TV series. I'm talking about the Soomaa National Park.Located 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Tallinn, Soomaa spans over 390 square kilometers (151 square miles) of stunning wetlands and forests. It is a sanctuary for rare wildlife, such as the European beaver and the flying squirrel, and provides a haven for bird watchers, canoeists, and nature enthusiasts alike.

The Mysterious Fifth Season

But what exactly is this enigmatic fifth season, you might ask? Well, dear inquisitive reader, it is a natural phenomenon that occurs each year when the snow and ice begin to melt, causing the rivers to overflow and flood the surrounding low-lying meadows and forests. This unique weather event turns the park into a veritable waterworld, creating a surreal and mystical landscape where you can paddle your canoe among the treetops and observe the local wildlife from a whole new perspective.It is during this time when you can truly appreciate the beauty and wonder of Soomaa, as the floodwaters create a serene and otherworldly environment that is both captivating and humbling. It's like being transported into a painting by Monet – if Monet had ever taken up canoeing in Estonia, which as far as I know, he didn't.

Adventures in the Fifth Season

If you're keen to experience the fifth season for yourself, you'll need to time your visit carefully. The exact dates of the fifth season can vary depending on the weather, but it generally occurs between late March and early May. During this time, the park's hiking trails become submerged, and the only way to get around is by canoe or raft.But fear not, dear adventure-seeker, you don't need to be an expert paddler to navigate the flooded forests of Soomaa. Local tour operators offer guided canoe trips that cater to all skill levels, so even if you've never set foot in a canoe before, you can still embark on a watery adventure through the treetops.

A Canoe Trip to Remember

My own fifth season adventure began on a misty morning, as I joined a small group of equally excited canoeists at the park's visitor center. Our trusty guide, who I shall call Rein (because, well, that was his name), quickly got us kitted out in life jackets and equipped us with paddles. After a brief safety demonstration – which involved Rein calmly explaining how to avoid capsizing while I frantically scribbled notes – we set off into the flooded forest.As we paddled through the still, mirror-like waters, it was impossible not to be awestruck by the beauty and tranquility of our surroundings. The trees stretched up into the sky, their branches forming a leafy canopy above our heads, and the only sounds were the gentle swish of our paddles and the occasional birdsong.During our journey, Rein regaled us with tales of Soomaa's wildlife and history, and we were even lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a beaver darting through the water. I was also delighted to learn that Soomaa is home to a rare species of bog-loving mosquito, which I was able to observe up close and personal as they feasted on my exposed flesh. A small price to pay for such a unique experience, I suppose (although I would recommend packing some insect repellent if you plan to visit).

Other Activities in Soomaa National Park

If canoeing through a flooded forest isn't quite your cup of tea, there are plenty of other ways to experience the wonders of Soomaa. The park offers a range of well-marked hiking trails, and you can even join a guided bog walk (which, I assure you, is much more fascinating than it sounds).For the more artistically inclined, Soomaa also hosts a number of workshops where you can learn traditional crafts, such as wood carving and pottery. And if you're simply looking to relax and soak up the natural beauty of the park, there are plenty of picnic spots and opportunities for wildlife watching.

Experience the Magic of Soomaa's Fifth Season

So if you're looking for an unforgettable adventure that will leave you feeling as if you've stepped into another world, look no further than the enchanted realm of Soomaa National Park and its mysterious fifth season. Just remember to pack your sense of wonder, your canoeing skills, and plenty of mosquito repellent - you'll need them all for this magical journey into the heart of Estonia's watery wilderness.
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